Networks of centres of excellence life sciences biotechnology 卓越中心网路生命科学与生化科技
To be a centre of excellence in disease prevention and control 成为卓越的疾病预防及控制中心。
About mobile virtual centre of excellence 移动虚拟研究中心
In a small number of specialties cuhk shall be recognized as among centres of excellence in the world 中大将在少数专科领域内成为具国际声誉的卓越学科中心。
The prince of wales hospital is internationally recognised as a centre of excellence for carrying out these new procedures 威尔斯亲王医院亦是享誉国际的微创手术卓越中心。
A number of centres of excellence will be established in the school to pursue multidisciplinary research and training in public health 学院并会设立多个研究中心,以促进跨学科研究。
The coe site developed by ofta serves as a prototype virtual training centre for the asia pacific centre of excellence 亚太优才资源中心是以电讯局开发作为虚拟培训中心的优才资源中心为蓝本。
The itu project manager for the asia pacific centre of excellence will manage the access arrangement upon its formal launch 国际电联的亚太优才资源中心专案经理将于中心正式推出后负责管理该网站。
The delegation is led by dr . walter tuttlebee, chief executive of the mobile virtual centre of excellence mobile vce 代表团由移动与个人通信虚拟研究中心执行总裁,waltertuttlebee博士带队。该中心是由来匀蛟